Get Involved with the GenEC

Student Organizations

Below is a list of student organizations that are affiliated with the Gender Equity Center or who's mission is to support gender equity. If you'd like to see your organization listed below please contact us at

菠菜网lol正规平台 V-Day

Educates and entertains 菠菜网lol正规平台 with information about violence against women and girls.  Produces the annual benefit play the Vagina Monologues and raises approximately $4,500 for global charities and the local rape crisis line and domestic violence shelters. Visit the V-Day webpage.

Society of Women Engineers at 菠菜网lol正规平台

We are the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Section at San Jose State University! Our club room is located in ENG 242 and we accept all majors and genders into our organization. Our activities include Industry Mixers, volunteer events, fundraisers, social events and more! Feel free to visit our clubroom or email us at

Volunteer Opportunities

Gender Equity Center Ambassador Program

The Ambassador Program is an opportunity for students to volunteer with our center after completing a 5-part series training program. Visit the Ambassador Training Webpage for more details about how to sign-up!

Stop by the Gender Equity Center in the Student Union and talk with us about opportunities to get involved!